Blogs & Webzines
Action Chick Flick - Because girls like stuff that blows up too.
Fangasm - Chronicling the fandom adventures of two professors.
io9 - Sci-fi news and snark.
Multi-Hyphenate - A blogazine by creative types talking about their work + media commentary.
Pink Raygun - Girlie geekdom.
Pretty/Scary - For women in horror, by women in horror.
PulpTone - Home of the comic Sergeant Zero as well as genre news, reviews & interviews.
British Television Drama - Essays on a variety of historical & contemporary British television dramas.
FlowTV - UT Austin Radio-TV-Film journal.
ImageTexT - University of Florida Comics Studies journal.
In Media Res - Pop-scholarly commentary on online multimedia.
PopMatters - Smart TV/Film/Music/Books/Comics/Multimedia critique.
Transformative Works & Cultures - Fandom studies journal.